Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Project # 3... the last one.
Here is an example: One of the first projects that beginning sewing students at BYU do needs to include darts. To me darts are a simple fitting element, to everyone else they seem to be a mystery. Even though we describe darts students don't really get it until they are looking for patterns with darts and they ask me a million questions.
Another example: Learning about pastry dough in a cooking class, it is hard to explain why it is necessary to divide the butter in the dough and mix it so carefully. Even if you tell them why you do it, and how, a lot of the time they don't get it.
What I have noticed about students learning in hands-on classrooms is that if they figure it out themselves and relate it to their own experience they are able to understand the skills and concepts a lot better.
My solution?
Basically is an interactive note board. You can make the site private or public, and people can post notes about a topic or theme. The head of the site (you) controls what post-its get to stay on the site.
I think that this is helpful because while we are going over the topic in class students can use the board (or rather they are required to post) to share info and personal relationships to the topic. For example, the wall that I created for my fake FACs class has a theme of eggs. I've posted different notes about eggs. The students would be required to post anything they know about eggs. Extra points would be given for experiments. When students realize how a topic relates to their life they will be able to understand it better, and do better on assessments.
For my dart example I would probably ask my students to take pictures of their own clothes with darts (or online if they don't have any) and post then on the wall. Then other people can see darts, where they go, and hopefully why they go there.
Wallwisher is super easy to use. You just sign up with a valid email address and you have one. To post a note you double click on the page and a square pops up. The reason I like wallwisher so much is because when you click on the notes to read them it will pop up a mini window of links that the person has posted. So the web page will pop-up small, or even youtube videos can be accessed right there.
Here are some screenshots of my wall, and here is the link to my wall!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Final Blog Post: #10
I think I use technology every time I explore "some domain of knowledge". When I go to my sewing labs to teach we have computerized machines I have to deal with. When I grade assignments I get to use programs online. When I do my homework I need to use desktop programs and explore databases. When I want to know something I google search it (true story).
When I interact with my classmates technology is the main medium. We all have a general knowledge of google docs and other applications so we can easily collaborate on assignments. That is probably the newest type of technology we use
In my classroom I think technology will mainly be equipment--cameras, machines, etc.
But I'm a fan of using the internet as a source for students to learn about the subject as it applies to the real world.
In this class I learned that technology isn't that hard. If they made it for the public to use I can figure it out well enough.
I think something I learned in this class that I might use is how to make a website. Even though i just made a google site, and it was easy, I want one for my classroom (hopefully kids actually look at it).
well... I guess that's all.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Project #3
I will be working alone. You know how it is.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Internet Safety
If I did have blogs for the classroom (like I've had to do in my classes) I think it would be important to go over basic internet safety with my students, like:
Don't put personal information on your blog
Don't do illegal things
Don't talk to strangers
The world is a scary place, the internet is too.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
It's a Video Chat World
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Lesson # 6: the videos
I used the firefox download "1-click youtube video downloader". Um, it was really easy, and the only problem is that my computer/internet is slow.
I won't have any problems using this video in class because it is on youtube--which is public. I would use it for teaching, and I wouldn't even use the whole video, just the second half.
Anyways, tights are not pants.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I learned a new word though. So "orphan works" are works under copyright, but whose copyright protector is difficult or impossible to catch. true story.
so thanks wikipedia.
Once I was on the activities committee in a college ward in Oregon. We wanted to watch a disney movie for an activity, but first it was my task to get permission. That was ridiculous, especially without any resources. Somehow i managed to email one of the producers who was like "yeah of course, i mean, make sure you tell everyone it was a disney movie" so i did. A lot of work, man.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The movie
Length pattern alteration (Clothing II, standard 3 objective 1)
- Intro: narrative with text and a sweet photo
A. "often we need to lengthen clothing so they can fit, the bes place is to start with a pattern. We will be working on a skirt pattern, lengthening it 2 inches to make it knee length for our model"
B. Pic--girl wearing a knee length skirt
2. Still image of pattern
3. Funny image of girl wearing skirt too short
4. ? question mark
5. Video of me drawing line on pattern to cut--narration "1st we need to find a line perpendicular to center front (or back) that a neutral space to add length"
a. Draw
6. "stop action" still images of pulling the pattern down 2" --narration "now pull pattern down 2 inches making sure to keep perpendicular to center front (or back)
7. Cartoon of math--narration: you want your pattern to be length of your waist to knee + hem (1 1/4") and waist seam allowance (5/8")
8. Tape! sweet "stop action" of taping motion
9. the end--text credits
This is to fulfill an objective for Clothing II--pattern alterations.
In this case i think that a video is really helpful because it is hard to show a whole class what i'm trying to do with a pattern without huge annoying pieces of paper. It is also helpful for students to be able to watch the video as many times as they need to make sense of the task. Since there are alot of alterations that i could teach to really fulfill the objective i think that it would help save time also by having a video--partly because students can watch as many times as necessary, and partly because it is quicker to learn something if you can control the speed and go through the steps at your own pace.
I'm going to be using windows movie maker and my digital camera--wish me luck!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
the "PLN"
I also supplement my curiosity with sites like, friends blogs and popular blogs (like pioneer woman cooks), where i get ideas and i learn more about the field of homemaking/independent business/creativity.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
RSS feeds!
I'm also following The Sartorialist which is a guy (okay maybe a woman) who takes photos of people and their fashion and posts it on their blog. I think it could be interesting for students to see what everyone else out there is wearing.
Finally I'm following Home Ec 101 . Which kind of has a down home approach to the field of Family and Consumer Sciences giving advice for cleaning, cooking, and fixing things. It has good stuff people should know (and definitely used to) but don't.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
The Beginning
A bit about me
I am a family and consumer science education major, just about ready to lift off into the real world. I like bird watching and collecting postcards with lobsters on them. I also enjoy cooking, which makes it sad when i can only eat oatmeal creme pies for dinner.
blogs: too cool for school?
I think blogs are appropriate for school, but I think it is also necessary that the kids are relatively independently driven. And you can't have self motivated kids only, you need a topic they are interested enough to sit down and put on the public Internet.